南湖新闻网讯(通讯员 任梅渗)狂犬病是狂犬病毒引起的致死性人兽共患病。该病分布于全球150余个国家,每年造成6万人以上的死亡,一旦发病后死亡率接近100%,目前尚无有效的临床治疗手段。新2网址

交叉科学研究院后利用纳米材料精准检测狂犬病毒(Analytical Chemistry, 2020)之后,在动物病毒-纳米材料交叉学科领域取得的又一阶段性成果。上述研究得到国家重点研发计划和国家自然科学基金等经费的大力支持。
The infection of the neurotropic virus damages the central nervous system (CNS) and often leads to humans' fatal symptoms. Rabies is a lethal disease caused by a typical neurotropic virus, rabies virus (RABV). To date, there is no effective clinical therapy for rabies. In this report, an aptamer conjugated RVG-Apt-PEG-Silica gold nanorods (AuNR)-based photothermal therapy (PTT) was developed and evaluated in a mouse model. The DNA aptamer was conjugated on the nanoparticle to provide specificity for targeting RABV glycoprotein in cells and mouse brains. A 29-aa rabies virus glycopeptide (RVG) was conjugated on the nanoparticle to enhance CNS delivery. The virions were inactivated in cell supernatant, and an approximately 100-fold decrease of viral load was observed in cells 5 min post-PTT. This AuNR did not cause distinct apoptosis, inflammation, or pathological lesion in the mouse brains post PTT. At 3 day post-infection, significantly enhanced survival ratio (60%) was observed in mice received PTT compared with the mice without PTT. In the PTT group, both the viral RNA level and the distribution of RABV in mouse brains were significantly decreased. Collectively, aptamer conjugated RVG-Apt-PEG-Silica AuNR-based PTT could be considered as a promising strategy for clinical treatment with neurotropic virus infection.