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晏向华教授课题组揭示了亮氨酸调控mTORC1通路的机制,为营养物质尤其是亮氨酸调控mTORC1的机制提供了理论依据。相关研究成果以“KAT7-mediated CANX (calnexin) crotonylation regulates leucine-stimulated MTORC1 activity”为题在Autophagy发表。
在体外无细胞体系的基础上,研究人员在整体蛋白质组范围内大规模地分析了亮氨酸调控的溶酶体移位的蛋白质。试验成功鉴定到已被报道的亮氨酸感受体蛋白SESN2,在此基础上,发现钙调蛋白Calnexin可能在亮氨酸缺失后移位至溶酶体组分。研究团队在后续综合运用基因编辑、亚细胞分离、免疫荧光等实验,确认了Calnexin参与亮氨酸调控mTORC1激活的过程,并揭示了亮氨酸缺失后Calnexin移位至溶酶体表面与溶酶体膜蛋白LAMP2结合的机理。结合课题组前期的一项巴豆酰化比较蛋白质组的结果,研究团队发现并证明了乙酰转移酶KAT7能够催化Calnexin的巴豆酰化修饰,进而调节Calnexin的溶酶体移位过程。最后与已知的mTORC1调控蛋白进行关联分析,发现移位至溶酶体表面的Calnexin抑制了Ragulator复合体对Rag GTPase的GEF活性进而抑制了mTORC1的溶酶体移位。
图2. KAT7介导的CANX巴豆酰化调控mTORC1的机制
Amino acids play crucial roles in the MTOR (mechanistic target of rapamycin kinase) complex 1 (MTORC1) pathway. However, the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. Here, we establish a cell-free system to mimic the activation of MTORC1, by which we identify CANX (calnexin) as an essential regulator for leucine-stimulated MTORC1 pathway. CANX translocates to lysosomes after leucine deprivation, and its loss of function renders either the MTORC1 activity or the lysosomal translocation of MTOR insensitive to leucine deprivation. We further find that CANX binds to LAMP2 (lysosomal associated membrane protein 2), and LAMP2 is required for leucine deprivation-induced CANX interaction with the Ragulator to inhibit Ragulator activity toward RRAG GTPases. Moreover, leucine deprivation promotes the lysine (K) 525 crotonylation of CANX, which is another essential condition for the lysosomal translocation of CANX. Finally, we find that KAT7 (lysine acetyltransferase 7) mediates the K525 crotonylation of CANX. Loss of KAT7 renders the MTORC1 insensitivity to leucine deprivation. Our findings provide new insights for the regulatory mechanism of the leucine- stimulated MTORC1 pathway.