Dr.Mohamed Frahat Foda 获得该类项目资助,其获资助直接费用为30万元,
Dr. Mohamed Frahat Foda
Winner of 2019/2020 National Natural Science Foundation (NSFC) Project for International Young Scientist

It a great honor for the College of Veterinary Medicine, Huazhong Agricultural University (HZAU) that Dr. Mohamed Frahat Foda, the distinguished scholar from Egypt which belongs to Benha University and carrying out his postdoctoral position in HZAU with Prof. Xiao Shaobo, to be the first foreigner in the college history to receive the second fund from the NSFC organization.
Dr. Mohamad Foda is an outstanding postdoctoral research fellow at HZAU and the Vice President of the Postdoctoral Association on campus. He has been showing a marvelous output of research in "Biochemistry, Nanotechnology and Virus infection" and obtained various kinds of research awards. He has published more than 25 SCI research articles in highly reputed international scientific journals and international academic conferences. He is an Editorial Board member of several international journals and peer-reviewed many International scientific research articles.
Dr. Foda is currently working as an Assistant Professor of Biochemistry at the Faculty of Agricultural, Benha University. He obtained both a B.Sc. degree (Hons) and an M.Sc. degree (Hons) in Agric. Biochemistry from Benha University. He received his Ph.D. degree in 2015 with the major of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology from the College of Life Science and Technology (Top-ranked colleges at HZAU) under Prof. Han supervision. His research area is "Nanobiological Analysis. In 2015/2016, he won the title of "Distinguished International Award" announced by the Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) and actively participated in social welfare activities and attracted much internal and external newspaper and media attention.
The Research Fund for International Young Scientists is a kind of competitive research project set up by the National Natural Science Foundation (NSFC) for all the foreign scientists in the science and technology field (under the age of 40 years old) and working in all over China. These projects aim to encourage outstanding young foreign scientists from all over the globe to carry out necessary research work in China and promote Chinese and foreign Scholars' research cooperation and academic exchange.
Links related to the News:
1. NSFC Offical website: //bic.nsfc.gov.cn/Show.aspx?AI=1185
2. Dr. Mohamed Foda Personal Website: //www.bu.edu.eg/staff/mfrahat6