彭健,女,1964年出生,农工党党员,华中农业大学二级岗教授,博士生导师,现代农业产业技术体系“十三五” 种公猪营养与管理岗位科学家,国务院特殊津贴获得者,入选教育部新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选,湖北省新世纪高层次人才工程第二层次。中国农学会微量元素与食物链分会副理事长、中国畜牧兽医学会动物营养学分会常务理事,湖北省饲料工业协会常务理事,湖北省饲料工业协会标准化委员会委员,湖北省畜牧兽医学会动物营养与饲料学专业委员会主任,《华中农业大学学报》编委等,农工民主党华中农业大学委员会主委,农工民主党湖北省委委员,第十届湖北省青年常委。主要研究分子营养学、畜禽重要性状形成的营养调控、畜禽饲料资源的评价、开发和利用。先后主持、承担并完成59项国家及省部级重点研究项目,科研经费近3000万元,获国家科技进步二等奖、湖北省科技进步一等奖等省部级奖励17项,与希腊亚里士多德大学、荷兰SFR饲料研究所、美国诺伟司国际公司等建立了密切合作关系。2006-2016年间,在《Cellular And Molecular Life Sciences》、《Open biology》、《Cellular Signaling》、《Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology》、《Oncotarget》、 《European Journal of Cell Biology》、《Amino Acids》、《General and Comparative Endocrinology》、《British Journal of Nutrition》、《Nutrition》、《Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition》、《Journal of Animal Science》等国际知名杂志上发表SCI论文76篇,在《中国细胞生物学学报》、《动物营养学报》、《中国畜牧杂志》、《国外畜牧科技》等国内核心期刊和会议论文集上发表论文80余篇,共计160余篇,主编或参编著作6部。曾被评为 “湖北省有突出贡献中青年专家”、“湖北省跨世纪学术骨干”、“湖北省高校优秀女教职工”及“武汉市优秀科技工作者”; 曾荣获“湖北省第四届青年科技奖”和“洪山区青年创业奖”。
1980.9-1984.6 华中农业大学 畜牧专业,获学士学位 1984.9-1987.6 华中农业大学 动物营养与饲料专业,获硕士学位 1997.9-1999.12 华中农业大学 动物遗传育种与繁殖专业,获博士学位
1991-1995 华中农业大学动物科技新2网址 讲师1995-2000 华中农业大学动物科技新2网址 副教授1997-1998 加拿大曼尼托巴大学合作研究2000至今 华中农业大学动物科技新2网址 教授,博士生导师
A著作类1. 普通高等教育“十一五”规划教材《饲料学》(主编):科学出版社,20082. 普通高等教育“十一五”规划教材《饲料分析与检测技术》(主编): 科学出版社,20083. 《猪饲料配制和使用技术(附典型配方)》(主编):农业出版社,20044. 《动物生物技术》、《实用养猪技术》、《种猪测定原理与方法》等参编4部B论文类1. GPR120: a critical role in adipogenesis, inflammation, and energy metabolism in adipose tissue CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LIFE SCIENCES 2017 2. E4BP4 mediates glucocorticoid-regulated adipogenesis through COX2 MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY 2017 3. MiR-377 promotes white adipose tissue inflammation and decreases insulin sensitivity in obesity via suppression of sirtuin-1 ONCOTARGET 2017 4. Effect of oregano essential oil supplementation to a reduced-protein, amino acid-supplemented diet on meat quality, fattyacid composition, and oxidative stability of Longissimusthoracis muscle in growing-finishing pigs MEAT SCIENCE 2017 5. Supplementation of branched-chain amino acids to reduced-protein diet increases muscle net amino acid fluxes through elevating their substrate concentrations and intramuscular catabolism in young pigs BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION 2017 6. Linear Growth Model Analysis of factors affecting boar semen characteristics in Southern China JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE 2017 7. Eicosapentaenoic acid abolishes inhibition of insulin-induced mtor phosphorylation by lps via ptp1b downregulation in skeletal muscle MOLECULAR & CELLULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY 2017 8. Dietary n-6:n-3 ratio and vitamin e improve motility characteristics in association with membrane properties of boar spermatozoa ASIAN JOURNAL OF ANDROLOGY 2017 9. Effect of oregano essential oil and benzoic acid supplementation to a low-protein diet on meat quality, fatty acid composition, and lipid stability of longissimus thoracismuscle in pigs LIPIDS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE 2017 10. Effects of dietary fibers with high water-binding capacity and swelling capacity on gastrointestinal functions, food intake and body weight in male rats FOOD & NUTRITION RESEARCH 2017 11. Linear model analysis of the influencing factors of boar longevity in Southern China THERIOGENOLOGY 201712. Myostatin inhibits eef2-eef2k by regulating AMPK to reduce protein synthesis. biochemical and biophysical research communications BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS 201713. Analysis of influencing factors of boar claw lesion and lameness ANIMAL SCIENCE JOURNAL 201714. Lower dietary n-6: n-3 ratio and high-dose vitamin E supplementation improve sperm morphology and oxidative stress in boars REPRODUCTION, FERTILITY AND DEVELOPMENT 2016 15. n-3 ratio and Vitamin E improve motility characteristics in association with membrane properties of boar spermatozoa ASIAN JOURNAL OF ANDROLOGY 201616. Inclusion of konjac flour in the gestation diet changes the gut microbiota, alleviates oxidative stress, and improves insulin sensitivity in sows APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY 2016. 17. Identification of zinc finger protein Bcl6 as a novel regulator of early adipose COMMITMENT OPEN BIOLOGY 2016 18. GPR120 promotes adipogenesis through intracellular calcium and extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 signal pathway MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY 201619. Effects of feeding regimen on weight gain, semen characteristics, libido, and lameness in 170- to 250-kilogram Duroc boars JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE 201620. Effects of supplementation of branched-chain amino acids to reduced-protein diet on skeletal muscle protein synthesis and degradation in the fed and fasted states in a piglet model NUTRIENTS 2016 21. SIRT1 suppresses adipogenesis by activating Wnt/β-catenin signaling in vivo and in vitro ONCOTARGET 201622. Oregano essential oil induces sod1 and gsh expression through nrf2 activation and alleviates hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative damage in ipec-j2 cells OXIDATIVE MEDICINE AND CELLULAR LONGEVITY 2016 23. Supplementation of branched-chain amino acids to a reduced-protein diet improves growth performance in piglets: involvement of increased feed intake and direct muscle growth-promoting effect BRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION 201624. In vitro and in vivo digestibility of corn starch for weaned pigs: effects of amylose/amylopectin ratio, extrusion, storage duration, and enzyme supplementation JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE 2015 25. Activation of PPARγ2 by PPARγ1 through a Functional PPRE in Transdifferentiation of Myoblasts to Adipocytes Induced by EPA CELL CYCLE 2015
1. 窗口期菌群联合干预调节仔猪肠道菌群和先天免疫系统发育的作用和机制 2018.012. 猪禽节本增效的精细化饲养关键技术研发 2017.073. 哺乳母猪节本增效的精细化饲养关键技术研发 2017.074. 生猪体系种公猪营养与管理岗位科学家 2017.075. 包被半胱胺调控母猪繁殖性能的作用与机制 2017.066. 种猪高效精细化育繁关键技术研发 2017.017. 优质商品猪无抗饲养关键技术创新与集成示范 2017.018. 丹系猪选育 2017.019. 植物提取物对断奶仔猪生产性能、抗氧化功能、肠道屏障的影响 2016.1210. 微生态制剂对蛋鸡生产性能、蛋品质、肠道菌群和肠道 2016.1011. “畜禽改良及健康养殖技术”团队 2016.0112. 产学研合作 2014.0113. 氮营养素的感应与肌肉蛋白质沉积 2013.0114. 猪的营养调控与饲料安全 2013.0115. 日粮中添加SB对母猪繁殖及泌乳性能的影响 2013.0116. 日粮添加NE150和VE改善猪生产性能肉品质和抗运输应激效果及机理研究 2013.01
1. 2009年国务院特殊津贴获得者,新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选,教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划人选2. 2005、2017年两次获湖北省科技进步一等奖3. 2006年获国家科技进步二等奖4. 2011、2012年两次获得湖北省科技进步二等奖
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